\ The Council met in a regular session with the following:
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT:Mac Woodward,James Fitch,Keith D.Olson,Joe Emmett,Ronald Allen,Tish Humphrey
COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: Lydia Montgomery,Don H.Johnson,Clyde Loll
OFFICERS PRESENT:Chuck Pinto Interim City Manager Leonard Schneider City Attorney Lee Woodward City Secretary
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Woodward called the meeting to order at 6:00 om
2. INVOCATION AND PLEDGES — Mayor Woodward led the invocation. Mayor Woodward presented Interim City
Manager Chuck Pinto with the Life Member Award he received from the Texas City Manager Association earlier in the
month,for which had not been present.
William Elmer spoke on the Resolution to accompany the Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant
application for a proposed water line extending to the north of the city,stating opposition to the issues in the Resolution
in support of the application.
Katie Newman spoke on services required if the recently proposed annexation occurred, asking how City residents
would benefit in exchange for the necessary expenses and why the University would not cover them,further suggesting
that it was because the City had indicated to SHSU that it would do so.
George Russell said he had supported the idea of a research park for many years but opposed building the park in the
proposed location, and said he would donate sixty acres of land in what he described as a superior location, an
additional sixty acres from Anthony Properties, and other land from further sources. He challenged that he would
double any contribution at no cost to the citizens.
a. Presentation, discussion,and possible action on the proposed SHSU Research Park. [Mayor Woodward]
Bryan D'Agostino of commercial developer D'Agostino Companies said the land had been purchased as an
investment for a project of this type. He introduced AI Hooten,Vice-President of Finance and Operations of SHSU
and Ken Tipton, architect. Mr. Tipton gave a presentation on the background and layout of the proposed Park.
Charles D'Agostino discussed the potential economic impact for the City,the University, and industry.
Bryan D'Agostino made a formal request for the City to extend utilities out to the Park. Councilmember Alien
asked who could help pay for the extension if the City did not receive the EDA grant. The Mayor acknowledged
the difficulty in making a decision on the project, and said this was the Council's opportunity to fully evaluate this
investment. The Mayor noted there were many legitimate concerns to be addressed and that he considered it the
Council's obligation to inform itself and the public.
Councilmember Fitch expressed the sense that the plan was very positive for law enforcement and the University,
and that they were building public sector jobs into private sector industry, asking how job creation would be
pursued. Dr. Hooten said the University had concerns about capping enrollment and space issues if research
activity and training could not be moved off the main campus. He added that there was potential for an incubator
for entrepreneurs, noting the increased success rate for individuals who received this sort of university support.
Dr. Hooten said SHSU wanted to create this type of environment for students, also, and provide a way for more
faculty and graduates to remain in the community.
Councilmember Fitch asked if there would also be recruitment of established businesses, perhaps in the field of
Criminal Justice. Dr. Hooten said there were many ways of encouraging manufacture or development using the
ideas in the Park to draw them in. Councilmember Olson said he had worked on a project with a university's
technology and discussed how broad the impact of such commerce, describing the presentations as exciting and
eye-opening. Charles D'Agostino said the Louisiana State Dept. of Commerce helped recruit once their park was
built and the space was available, and recruited EA Sports with additional funding from the state. He said he had
been working the Texas' similar department and utility providers on the SHSU park to help with recruitment, and
discussed the potential synergy and investment possibilities.
Mr. Russell asked about donation of land from a citizen near the golf course. Councilmember Fitch asked how a
conference center would be affected by not having alcohol sales. Bryan D'Agosfino said there was currently a
study underway and that there may be other possibilities such as a private club, also mentioning the benefit of
conferences not currently held here due to lack of facilities. Councilmember Humphrey confirmed how the
University would receive royalties from development, and reemphasized the benefits SHSU could provide for the
community. She also challenged everyone to keep asking questions and said how much she appreciated the
Councilmember Olson added that Dr. Hooten's comment about capping enrollment brought home that the City
always calculated on growth. He said that could stifle revenue and that the University would grow somewhere else
if it could not do so here. Mayor Woodward noted there was potentially a decision for the Council to make on an
investment for City utilities which the City would continue to own. He said the City should make the decision based
on the benefit to the City, not just others. Charles Smither, Jr. asked about partnership, saying it was not very
equal, in that the citizens of Huntsville would have to provide the utilities upfront before the infrastructure could be J
built. He said the City's history in something like this was not very good and that he would feel better if all partners
put up equal,money for the utilities and could then be later reimbursed.
Mayor Woodward suggested that Councilmembers contact Bryan D'Agostino with questions and asked the
D'Agostinos to return when they felt it was appropriate. Bryan D'Agostino said they should have a more final plan
in about a month, encouraged contact, and thanked the Council.
b. `Presentation, discussion, and possible action retaining a search firm and/or the process to select a
permanent City Manager. [Mayor Woodward]
Mayor Woodward thanked the City Manager Search Ad Hoc Committee members, and especially Carol Smith,
Dave Brinson, and Chief Kevin Lunsford.
The Mayor moved to open nominations to authorize Interim City Manager Chuck Pinto to enter into a contract with
a search firm, subject to review and negotiation by the City Council the City Manager Search Ad Hoc Committee
and the City Attorney, for services to assist the City in its search for a City Manager and was seconded by
Councilmember Olson. The motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Olson noted the ad hoc committee had
met that afternoon and overwhelmingly supported the recommendation of Strategic Government Resources
(SGR). Mayor Woodward said all the firms made great presentations, all qualified and dedicated. Councilmember
Olson nominated SGR and the firm was unanimously. Councilmember Olson said the next ad hoc committee
meeting would involve developing a proposed scope of services. The Mayor said he thought the most important
thing for the Council to do now would be to consider what they desired in a permanent City Manager.
There were no media inquiries.
(Hear announcements concerning items of community interest from the Mayor, Councilmembers,, and City staff for
which no action will be discussed or taken.)
The Mayor announced the Farmer's Market and the Fourth of July festivities on Saturday,June 30.
The Mayor adiourned the meetinnQ at 7.33 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Lee Woodward,City Secret
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