ORD CC 09/07/1926 - Annual tax levy (2) f '�F
Be it ordained by the Sity Counoil of the City of HwatINT1110-
Texas,in 4ouncil assembled:
That there is hereby levied for the year 1986 on, all real'-
property situated,and all personal property owned Within the
limits of said Qity of Huntsville,on the first day of damary
of the current ,year,except so much thereof as maybe exempt by
the ostitution and laws of this $tate,or the United vases,
the following taxes:
1. I advalorem tax of and at the rate of g9ut$ tin the
one hundred dollars cash value thereof •est ma. ed in Lawful
�. ourrenoy of the United 3tates,for the current expenses for the
support and maintenance of the Qity Government of said City `
Huntsville, Texas.
8. An advalorem tax of and at the rate of� esadh#•d�in�htzzed
dollars cash value thereof estimated in lawful. egrrenay of the
United $tates,for the support and maintenance of the $treats
and bridges within and for the said City of Huntsville, Texas.
B. An advalorem tax of and at the rate of -cents on the
one hundred dollars dash value thereof,estimated in Lawful
currency of the United hates to pay current intex•egt on and
providde one years sinking i.und to be designated s.s " p @oiel
Funding tarrent Fund ,for the purpose o.f paying the ter
yz. est
on and retiring the funding warrants issued by the said jity
of Huntsville,Texas,on the first day of February 392b.
3 A. An advalorem tax of and at the rate of :60r cents on the
one h�,mdred dollars cash value therof,estimated n lawful currency
of the United §tates,to pay interest on aril provide Q1i-e year$
sinking fund to be designated as "special runding 8brr'21� �ttnd�,
for the purpose of paying the interest on and retiyit
funding warrents issued by the said jity of Huntsville,Teaae
on the first day of Ifetrnary 1922.
3 B ]fin dvalorem tax of and at the rate of
! � � c�etlts. ou 'the
one hundred dollars cash value therof estima e n ia�vfgl
cserreuoy of the United State's, to pay Current int r ., off} 1QAd
provi?id one years sinicinf fund to be dCsigrtted. .aspoole ''
Funding #arrent-Fund* for the purpose of p4 !ing the tterget
on and retiring the funding warrente issued by the sa,i.d pity of
Huntsville, Texas,on the third day of June 192411
3 d. An advalorem tax of and at the rate Af. etit.s q;i tlim
one hundred dollars cash value thereof estima a in lawful
currency of the United Otates,to pay current nteroat en and
provide one years sinking fund for the purpose if paying interest
on and retiring the principal of eertainwarrents known and
designated as"Special Pater Fund J�arreuts."
3 b. An advalorem tax of and at the rate of oents on the one
hundred dollars cash value therof,estimated iu awful currency
of the United 4tates,to pay i,nterst on and provide one years
sinking: fund designated as "Jity fo Huntsville improvements
WarrentsH-$eries B", for the purpose of paying the interest on
and retiring the funding warrants issued by the said ,gity. 'af
Huntsville, Texas, march 18,1925.
4. tin Qps advalorem tai of and at the rate off ,'- 9 t A0 hj
hundred dollars cash value therof estimate 1-1 of ronoy
of the United $tabse,to pay current interest on -aud provid,o'due
years sinking fund for:
A. The City of Huntsville Aswer Bonds,dated the first da.y of
July 1916,the principal amount of said Bever bonds -now out"
standing being the sum of(19,500.00 I. Nineteen thousand
Five Hundred Vollare;
B. To pay the current interest on and provide one Fears singing
fund for the dity of Huntsville *treat Improvement bonds
dated the first day of July lvl6,the principal amount of said
Bonds now outstanding being the principal sum of(.7500.00)
$even thousand Ifive Hundred Collars.
. To pay ourrent interest on and provide one yeare sinking fund
tor the City of Huntsville $treat improvement Bonds in the sum
of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Vollars( 7500.09) and g1ty of
Huntsville Sewer Bonds in the sum of lPive Thousand Dollars
(5000.00) $aid Bonds having been authorized by a vote of the
property owners voting at an election held for that purpose
on the 12th day of April 1920.
4.A. An advalorem tax of and at the rate of „11-3— on the
one hundred dollars cash value therof estimated in lawful
ourreney of the united Otates,to Ax[s pay ourrent interest
on and provide one years sinking fund for the Bonds designated
as "city of Huntsville_.Paul:.ng. Bonds of 1923",in the sum of
$49 ,000.00) Forty #ift_Th.AuAaAd Doliare,said bonds having been
authorized by a vote of the property owners voting at'an
election held for that purpose on the 14th day of July,1923:
5. An advalorem tax of and at the rate of �_� cents on the
one hundred dollars cash value thereof estimated_in lawful
eurrenoy of the united states,to pay current interest on and
provide one year's sinking fund for the Bonds designated as
" pity of Huntsville 4unding and Waterworks Betterment Bonds"
in the sum of Forty thousands: �ollars(40,000.)O) dated the
fifteenth day of $eptember 1925.
6. An Occupation on all persons, firms,andv4 orporation doing
business within the Oitp of Huntsville equal to one half of
that provided by law for an occupation tax due and payable to
the state of Texas.
7/.An annual tax of $5.00 On every male person between the ages
of twenty--one years and forty-five yeare,,subjeot to that
payment of a street tax as provided by law and the Ordi'nanoes
of the said 4ity of Hunt, Ville, 1'AXas.
B. A Poll 'fax of 01.00 on every inhabitant of said Gity of
Huntsville over the age of twenty one years and not over sixty
years od age on the first day of January 1926.
Referred to the finance committee in open douncil this the
7th day of September 1x26.
� e the Rinasoe,reoommend that the foregoing Tax uery Ordinance
for theyear 1926 be adopted.
name . Omm a F_
Adopted and Approved in open douneil this the of 1926