ORD CC 09/07/1926 - Annual tax levy R f
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_A$ LEVY ORDINA'$Q3'. V rr r ], S� �x
Be it ordained by the City Oounoil of the Oily of H,uA%QTi!4. , !'
Texas,in Council assembled:
That there is hereby levied for the year 1986 ou 411 real`',
property situated,and all personal property owned Within the
limits of said Oity of Huntsville,on the first day of teAuary
of the current year,except so much thereof as may he eaampt by
the constitution and laws of this $tate,or the United Ota*es,
the ollowing taxes:
1. A advalorem tax of and at the rate of ,': adtt s 07} the
one hundred dollars cash value thereof •estMgfed in lawfa3
' curreinay of the United dtates,for the current expenses for the
support and maintenance of the Gity Government of said Oily
Huntsville, Texas.
Z. An advalorem tax of and at the rate of-41 th* thq',IMAfte d
dollars cash value thereof estimated in lawful currency of the
UnitO $tates,for the support and maintenance of the streets
and bridges within and for the said City of Huntsville, Texas.
3. An advalorem tax of and at the rate of cents on the
one h�ndred dollars cash value thereof,estllr—AU d in lawful
currency of the United Rates to pay current interest on end
provide one years sinking #und to be designated as " pa0ie,1
Funding 9arreut Pundl,for the purpose of paying the .• x} erect
on and retiring the funding warrants issued by the eeidity
Of Huntsville,Texas ,on the first day of February 1920.
3 A. In advalorem tax of and at the rate of dente on the
one Madre& dollars cash value therof,estimate n 1awfu1 currency
of the United §tates,to pay interest on and provide One yq.ara
sinking fund to be designated as "Special 8'anding ax ant fund*,
for the purpose of paying the interest on a"M rat yit 'the
funding warrants issued by the said U ty of Hunteville,Texas
on tha first day of Vetruary 1922.
S B !fin Advalorem tax of and at the rat of
! QeAts. on the
one hnndrad Callers Dash value theraf estima e n law�»l
currency of the United tat®"s, tor:pay current. i t re pu
Prov16 one years sin�tinf fund ta`be designated
Funding arrent-Fume for the purpose of -a
p4 g the ,ltatexeet
on and retiring the funding warrent
s issuied by t} e said di j► of
Huntsville, Taxas,on the third day of June 1924,
3 d. An advalorem tax of and at the rate of � cent's gn the
one hundred dollars cash value thereof estim'd eddiin l.awfu3
currency of the United Otates,to pay ourrent.interest on and
provide one years sinking fund for the purpose if paying Interest
on and retiring the principal of eertainwarrents known and
designated as"gpeoial mater Fund Aarrents."
3 D. An advalorem tax of and at the rate ofk. ;; oente on the one
hundred dollars cash value thexof,estimated inawful currency
of th® United 4tates,to pay interst on and provide one years
sinking fund designated as "gity fo Huntsville Improvements
Warrents-toeries B" for the purpose of
. paying the intereat, on
and retiring the funding warrente issued by tyre s4id ,4ity.' of
Huntsville, Texas, March 18,1928.
4. Ain advalorem tag of and at the rate of r fi.. ps. Qtt thy:: orie R
hundred dollars cash value therof estimate n, aw ._ cwrrenoy
of the United $tates,to pay current interest on •ana provlAe:'Qne
years sinking fund for: