RESO CC 1978-14 - Water rates for debt service j
WHEREAS, the City of Huntsville has determined through numerous engineering
studies that to be insured of ,a long range dependable water supply for its
citizens, it is necessary that the City's primary source of water must come from
a surface supply rather than water wells; and
WHEREAS the Trinity River Authority has entered into a contract with the
City of Huntsville to provide the City with surface water from the Trinity
'River and the Lake Livingston Reservoir; and
WHEREAS, the Trinity River Authority has secured a $11,050,000 loan from
the State of Texas through the Texas Slater Development Board to finance and
construct an intake facility., treatment plant-, -transmks-sTOn line;ant grow t
storage tank to provide the City with this source of water, and
WHEREAS, the City of .Huntsville entered into this contract on September
28, 1976 to repay the Trinity River Authority for the contract revenue bonds for
these facilities as well as operating and maintaining the water treatment plant.
and aII_ cos_ts ass_oc_iated with the project, as well as for the financing of the
new North Huntsville (Parker Creek) Sewerage Treatment Plant; and
WHEREAS, the Trinity River Authority and the Texas Water Development Board
want to know that the City of Huntsville is willing and able to finance these-
improvements with the revenues received from its citizens through users fees
and not underwritten with any tax dollars, and the City of Huntsville wants .to-
set rates as io:b as possible while satisfying these financial requirements;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in conformance with Section 17-9
of the Code. of Ordinances which provides the' Council ray from time to time set
new rates to finance water and sewer operations and debt service, the Mayor
and City Council do hereby establish the following rates to become effective
on the dates stipulated and required for adequate financing, as provided:
Water; Rates for Debt Service
Private Sector Customers
Base (minimum) rate shall be $4.02 per month for the
first 3,000 gallons, plus 81¢ per thousand gallons for
all water used over and above the base allowance, to
produce sufficient revenue to pay the debt service on
the contract revenue bonds, to be.effective August 1 , 1978.
Institutional Users (SHSU, TDC, and ELAND)
Shall pay 81� per thousand gallons for all water used. to
pay for the debt service on the contract revenue bondss
to be- effective August 1 , 1978
Water Rates for Operations and Maintenance of the Treatment Plant and
Debt Service
Private Sector Customers
Base (minimum) rate shall be $4.64 per month for the first
3,000 gallons, plus $1.08 per thousand gallons for all water
Resolution No. 78-14 -2- August 8, 1978
consumed over and above the base allowance to
provide sufficient revenue for the operations and
maintenance of the water treatment plant and its
associated costs, and to become effective March 1,
Institutional Users
Shall pay $1.08 per thousand gallons for all water
used to finance the operations and maintenance of
the water treatment plant and its -associated costs
to become effective March 1, 1979.
Sewer Rates for Debt Service
Private Sector Customers
Base rate for sewer service shall be $5.25 per month,
plus 25 percent of the water bill over $14.00 to
- _- - ---produce sufficient revenue for paying the debt service
on the bonds for the new North Huntsville Sewer Plant,
to become effective August 1 :, 1978.
Institutional Users
Shall pay 57¢ per thousand gallons for all water used
to finance the debt service on the bonds, to be
effective August 1'-", 1978.
Sewer Rates for Operations and Maintenance Costs and Debt Service
Private Sector Customers
Base rate for sewer service shall be $6.75 per month,
plus 25 percent of the water bill over $18.00 to
produce sufficient revenue for the operations and
maintenance of the new North Huntsville Sewer Plant,
to become effective October 1, 1979.
Institutional Users
Shall pay 75� per thousand gallons of water used to
finance the operations and maintenance of the new
North Huntsville Sewer Plant to become effective
October 1, 1979.
All water and sewer customers living outside the corporate limits of the
City of Huntsville shall pay twice the monthly rates established for those
customers in the City.
Passed and approved this the 8th day of August, A. D. , ,1978.
uth DeS aw, City Norris I. Waller, Mayor