RESO 11/14/1945 - Huntsville Municipal AirporthesoJwcion Adciptisess, and
oi the Sponsor4s assurunQe AgreemenA to De buDmattea to 'roe
AdmAnlstrator of Ci -v11, Ael'tir)taliA,(3,,,, UM S. 1,',,i,...4'-.,:T.1,1r);.,frtment of
Commerce to Obtain Federal Aid in.. th..e .1..)Enci(allepg.ment of
Hurtsville Municipal Ai
Be it fasolish-d by' City'. Council. of tia.c Ci
0tur).15tilattte, Texas:
SECTION. 1, Thzt the CL.ty of Huntsvill..e Texas
enter tnto a Spansorms asauxonce Agreement f,erir the
purpose of obtainiflz Federal aid. in. the development of the
(J1 // Municinal Airport an(: thht such aireem:ent shall
be as set ns,..rth
and Kate Barr Ross as ond
authorized. and di5e55ear..1 to, execute said
ance Agreement i/.,/ quadruTairate on. tKaLamx of th.e C of
and the hecretory 5Lastircfay: occir,ln,),J-rjrs.,ted.
pnd directed to J.,..Hty2DI;3S. tho ofeiciai seal of t'lin Ci' of
huntsville, io; and z:Jetest saiS execution,
MeCTioDP] 3„,
00 lyy Sponsor ' s A.. s stir :a 1,(„°Pe Is gree TA en t
WHEREAS ) Dy eed dated. the
County Deed. TtecEmRL, thE
/ or Euntsrille pEreoesen from
the State of Texda an.d. the Texes Prison Board
land„ more or Inss,, ouT; of and.. pert of the vurron. 131rd/se1l
SuTveyi absract.. N., b, in Walker CUUD:t 7,
TeXBS' 85 a site for a 7Runi,c )el air -poet; anti,
WBEREAB it has Necome necessary, in conPREArbTo
with.the t ono oevelopEent nf said airport, to
mak(a a public recorE. of the authority. or' the Titr'' E0 acquire
the lanAE
ThEtrUMERE5 BE IT ORDAINED by the City Couni01... of
the City- of Htntsvilar, T.eftuE,.
That the action.. of TEE Dyer of the City' of hEnts a
vilTel, Texas a 18,8.E,!.. or the hi.. EnvnETT. or the Eith R1n1:s-
v111e, Tezrs in acquiring said. aborE described. lElidh
an..d the S.' 8 Me is hereby proved. ratified. and adopted5 end.
thAs orciiriennfa snail be ana constl, authority' for the
purchese end. acquisition of' eaid 1,anu
.dt:?.1(.3, City.