RESO 08/04/1937 - Municipal Electric PlantREWUPPI9X
lm the City. of U-Anh*v-ille
..fOr federal.. funds to nu:11d a mnellnipal a-laetrie plant and
but said Punds .ht..:.Iffee not been.. annynabn 5
tordnuing inopFe or penditioao hap madn it ip. the putlAe.
intierent to abandon, osad. a:reject; therefore, Ek8OnVED
I - Than tho City of tfuntsvilin ancept th.e offer
of Gnlf States Utilltles ,`,-!empany to reimburse thn City for
exnennitures ann. liability. for expanAAtures incurred. for
engineering ann legal services and. exkun3i?s in. connection
with the saidemuniaipal electric project, an,d thnt the Mh:y'ar
be and he in hereby- a:uthorized to ancept aunt. offer in
:Lug -
That the appl.icatiou of the Citv to thu
eral Emergency' AnmAdiatrutIon of Funlic Work,s for funds fl.o
build send mph en e ea trio nnnja.',(t, be. \A!..3„1.nn-in:'nruvr.1. ann. Cana' a.
celed, and.. thnt the ..(iity Secnetary' be and she Is hereby al:a
rected to SeD.d tO tde Anmibistraior apn State :,-trigineer
tide Federal. Emergency AA:ministration of Punlia Works at
wasbing,ton, D,„ and woteun Texas, respectively',
n eertlnied copy of this of thia reselutiohi
That the Cityie aceeptanes of tbn offer
funds by- the 1..1-'ederni ET.m7.hrotnIcay Anninietretiou of Publie e
Works to build sald nnnielual eieotrio project be. -)t.,',0-,Anh,'..n,Jri.,,aint •
and tket the City. Secretary be and sb.s is hereby ddltectl'i.i.,ffinei..
sena to the two federal. officials naken. :le the preeediefinem., re.
baragrann a cartifiee copy or This -0a.farabn-
n.., That counsel.. for the. City of
. nnef. hel is harany'. anth.orized. enA„ directed •te.2...,,tnke
antion in cauze No, 7258 in the CouTt elfTe.,xnskal
at-yited City of finntsvnfile, Texan 'id lAnitate„„oh
ritual C3
4 ( ! t . _.. co.C'