ORD CC 02/13/1948 - Storing gasoline/volatile inflammable items Vol, H., P. 519
An ordinance prohibiting the keeping or storing of gasoline or other volatile inflarlmable;l
oil in, on or under premises used as retail establishmenta within the City of Huntsville,-"
Texas, in a totla amount greater than 4400 gallons, or in storage tanks having a capacity
of more than 1100 gallons each; prohibiting the delivery to or unloading of gasoline or
other volatile inflerumable oil at any such retail establistmient from a tank truck or other'
container which contains more than 1000 gallons of such gasoline or other volatile in.
flw enable oil; declaring a violation of such ordinance to be a misdeciesmor, providing for
a $100.00 fine upon conviction, and declaring an emergency.
SECTION It That no person, firm, association or corporation $hall keep or store within
the corporate limits of the City of Huntsville, Texas, gasoline or other volatile inflamm•
able oil in, on or under premises used as retail establishments, in a total amount greater
,than 4400 gallons, or in storage tanks having a capacity of more than 1100 gallons each.
SECTION z& That no person, firm, association or corporation shall deliver to or unload
gasoline or other volatile inflammable oil at any retail establishment within the corporate
limits of the City of Huntsville, Texas from a tank or other container which contains r;ore
than 1000 gallons of such gasoline or other volatile inflammable oil.
SECTION 31 That the provision of the foregoia- section shall not apply to any person, firm,
association or corporation transnortin; -asoline or other volatile inflanmiable oil within
or through the corporate limits of the City of Huntsville, Texas, in the non.>al course of
business, and not £or the purpose of delivery to or unloading the s£l::e at a retail establish-
ment within such ooraorate limits.
SECTION 41 That any person, firm, association or oorporation who shall violate any of the
provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a nisde:aeanor, and upon oonvictio#,
shall be fined not more than WO.00.
SECTION 5s The fact that the present ordinances of the City of Huntsville are not adequate
to afford ample fire and other protection to the inhabitants of the City of Huntsville,
Texas, against the .delivery to or unloading and storage at f6tail establishments—9C large
gaantities,of gasoline or other volatile inflammable oil creates a dangerous condition and
an emergency, and this ordinance shall take effect immediately after its passage, approval
and publication, as required by law.
Approved in open council this 13th day of February, 1948.
Nilbourn S. Gibbs
Kate Barr Rose
City Secretary
<. 51