ORD CC 05/03/1927 - Regulating moving of houses AN OkDI1W4GE '✓ Vol. G., p. 93 An ordinance to amend an ordinance regulating the moving of Houses or buildings along, over, upon and across the streets of the City of Huntsville, and providing a penalty, adopted August 6, 1912, incorporat. ing therein a portion of section III&, relating to the permits for the removal of building; , of an ordinanoe adopted the 21st day of July, 1926, providing penalties for the violation thereof, and declarinf an emergency. 5:; IT O1DAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTSVILL's That the ordinance regulating the moving of houses or buildings along, over, upon and across the streets of the City of f:untsvllle, Texas, adopted August fig 19120 and i_.corporation a portion of Section IIIa of an Ordi_iance adopted by said City on July 21, 1926, be amended and re.enaoted so as hereafter to read as Follows$ SECTION I— It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to move any house or building o: any kind along, over, upon, or across any streets of the City of Huntsville, vrith. out first obtaining a written permit from the Building Inspector of said City. The granting of such permit shall be within the discretion of the Buildings^, Inspector, and the Dayor of said City. Such permit,when granted, shall nasie the streets along over, upon and across which said house or other building is to be moved, the tiwa when such building shall be begun, and the length of time conslu.2ed in the removal of such building] and that no such permit shall be issued until the fee of five (w5.00) Dollars, hereby !fixed for the issuance of a perrait, shall have been paid and deliver- ed to the City Secretary. SECTION 2-.. Before any persor or persons shall be granted a permit to move any house or other building along, upon, over or across any streets of the City of Huntsville,such per. son or persons shall enter into a good and solvent bond with one or more sureties, pay. able to and to be approved by the Mayor of the City of Huntsville, in a'sun not less than two hundred fifty. ($250.00) Dollars nor more than one thousand ($1000,00) dollars, conditioned that such person or persons shall not in any manuer injure any person, or persons, or any property within the said City, and particularly will not injure any of the sidewalks, bridges, culverts, paving, streets, street-erassinrs, or other property belonging to said City, or property belonging, to mangy person, firm or oorpo. ration located within said City. SECTION 3» That wizen any person or persons desiring to move a house or Llrilding along, over, across or upon eny of the streets of the City of Iuntsville.. and shall have obtained a perrrdt therefor as provided in Section 1 above and shall have actually begun to move such house or building, such ho.aso or building shall be moved as rapidly and expediti. ously as possible, and the work of moving said house or building shall progress eontia- ously from: day to day, Sundays excepted, as that said house or building may not remain an obstruotion in or upon any of the streets of said City lonf�er than is absolutely necessary; and after the vrork of moving; said house or building shall have once begun it shall be unlawful for the persona or persons in charge of said work to permit said house ar buildinb to remain sta':.ionary on or upon any of the streets of said City of Huntsville, for as long as one-half day at a time, Sundays excepted, and each half day that said house or building shall be allowed to remain stationary on or upon any of the streets of the City of Huntsville shall be doomed as a separate offense. SECTION 3A» Any person movin any house (or other structure) upon, over, or across the streets of the City of Huntsville, under a penult issued by virtue of this ordinance, when it becomes necessary to leave such house (or other structure) upon and within any street during the niht, shall keep colored lights exposed adjacent to said house (or other structure) on each and, or side, where the street may be obstructed by such house (or other structure), in order to protect persons upon said streots from runain_ Sato, or colliding with, such house (or other structure)y and a violation of this section shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof subject the party violating the some to a fine of not less than Ten (rW*00) Dollars nor raore than Fifty (050.00) Dollars. SECTION 4.- That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons moving a house or building along, upon or across any of the streets of the City of Huntsville to permit such house or building to remain on any street crossin;, sidewalk, bridge or culvert in or within said City for a longor period of tiae than it actually takes to move such house or buildlnL over or across such crossing, sidewalk, bridge or euli$ert; and it shall be un- lawful for such house or building to be permitted to reinain on or left,in such way as to block any street crossing, sidewalk, bridge or culvert in or within the City of Huntsville, over night or during Sunday. 53 -2. SECTION 8-- ?,othin; in this ordinance shall be construed to curtail or abridge the right of any person to prosecute a civil action for damages by reason of injuries to persons or property resultinz from the use of any of the streets of the City of Huntsville by any person or persons moving any house or buildin; , along, over, &cress or upon such streets. SECTION 6� Any person violatisu; any of tine urovisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of an offense, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than Ten ($10.00) Dollars nor greater than One iiundred ($100,00) Dollars. S GTICX 7.- This ordi.':ance shall be construed in connection with the building ordinance of the City of Huntsville, adouted July 21, 1926, and all other ordinances in con. flirt :with the provisions hereof are hereby repealed. SECTIJV 6-- There bein= a public emer ;o:xcy requiring that this ordinance shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, the same shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, 4,. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Bridges, this 3rd day of bay, 1927. Ton Ball iwayor ATTLST! City Secreta_y We, the Committee on Streets and i3ridges, to whom the foregoing ordinance eras referred, do hereby report back the same with our approval, and recommend that the same be e,dopted. J. F. Standley J. 15. '%nitro Victor tsndel 7;W.0;tee on Streets & Bridge w- Passed and approved in open Council this 3rd day of :.ity, 1927. Tofu Bell ATTESTo Bate Barr :toss City Seeretary . m r i'''n"'