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ORD CC 05/03/1927 - Establishing Electrical Inspector
AN ORDIRANGE AN ORDIt MCE W, T,.m C:[TY OF Iit mTsvniz, TEMAS s TO ESTABLISH TM 4�'ICE CP M-- XC- TRICAL IHS1=TOR IN XTI FOR TIM CITY OF XMTSMIZI T e'YAS, TO R UTATE XID DE- FM TIE DUTIES 0 1 SLIGH CF�"`ICE �AD TO USTABLISH' FJ'LES -'MID RIMUkIONS CtIICF2.N- IM TIE INSTALI A'TION, tls'ERAi I€ I AND MID'- TIMNAI 0? EMMIC WIRMG AID APPARATUS, TO FIX FMALT Z FOR TIM VICLATIGH OF I'TIS PROMI(If AI.4D REP'��ALIIG ALL LATdS nj C'JJ L C ' n, IT C:o'tDAItm By Tw CITY' Lawn [Jr Tm CITY OF Ht1NTSV]:LLE, IH couwn ASSZ:,,MIZ,Ds SECTION 1. The office of Mactrical Inspector in aand for V-ie City of Hunts- ville, is hereby created and said office shall be filled by appoint. went by ;error# by and with the consent of the Couna l within sixty dayu after the passage and publication of this oz eliraamce, and said Electrical Inspector shall bold office during ,good behavior and shall not be re- moved except for failureto properl;r V rforra his duties as prescribed in thJs ordinance or any ordinance or part of the ordinance regulat«. ing electric ieires or apparatus now in force or which nay be adopted, And Electrical Inspector shall be a competent electrician yell varied in the ruler and requirements of the National. Mectrical Code, Before assuming authority conferred by this ordinance the -' ectr:i.cal Inspect- or shall take an oath usually administered to other City Officials, aril shall give band to the City of Huntsville in the penal sum of One 'thousand D*Uara ( ) conditioned upon the faithAa perfo rmnee of his duties. SECTION 2-- Dmrg corporations co-partnershipv association or ind i.vi.dal. osnaine or operating a. line of wires over streets,$ al l ero m or bull,din in this Cit,`y# shall use only wires that are- suitable and strong$, shan suitably and safely attach theme to strong, sufficient supports and sulate then at an points of attachment, sivallll rmove all wires aband- oned for usej allial.l suitably insulate every Tvrm where it enter^e a nuiMing, ands if sash wire ib other than a %fire designed to wry an electric Light or parer current, shall attach to it atayiUble and con. v enient points in the cirttuit calculated to prevent danger from fire and near tie place of dar4 er from fire and roar the place of entering the building, an appliance call-alated to prevent at all times as dent of electricity of such intensity or voluene as to be capable of injuring electrical Lnstru nts or causing fire from enterin:' the building by mans of such wire bind the point at which such appliance is attached# S CTION 3-- 'Ho corporations co-partnerships association or individual. shall engage in the business of installinL, electric wising and apparatus vithina =' building in. the City of Huntsville for use in coiucction with electric lights or heat or pa r without first ap�sarir4 in person or by duly authorized representative, at the office of tko City Secretary and secur- ing from hor a Ttlaster Electrician's Lisenseen SECTION )I.- No "Iaastar Ueetric taws License" shall be. issued e-ccept upon pay- meant of a See of Five Dolly 05.w) to uhe City cm''-ar s 11o,gc-User with the filing of a bond uith L cod and sufficient sureties in the penal am of Five Ilandred Dollars (0500,00) conditioned upon full compliance with the ordinances of the City Mgulating electric wiring and apparatus and the faithful perfarmme of all contracts entered into for the in- stallation of electric wiring €r°f id apparatus inside any building for use in connection with clooti-c UEI- :, hest or power. SEC T,IC W 5— Said "Master Faectric ian t s License'? shall entitle the holder there- of to engakM in Lhe business of instal l inn, elc ctr c wiring and apparatus inside buildings for use in connection with electric l igl tp heat or power within the lir t o of he City of Huntsville for the period of one yaar from date of i work during its progress and before and after its completion., and if the same s_'All be found to be constructed in accord&mee with the -provisions of t1da orr^nco and all rules and rc-r,-U lat ions which shall be promul- gated in aid of its full and true intent and a-o cation., and upon pay- ment by the applicant of &U addltional' inspection fees which may accruev sh&ll issue a certificate approving the same. (c) The -use of P.-q electrical construction such as provided for in' this ordinancet previous to the issuance of a temporary I-rarmit, for t1v use of electrical current., during th� course of construction or alteration of the b-�Aldiqgj. is hereby declered to be unlawful.; and the Inspector shall issue no such temporary permit unless after inspection he finds it safe to use such electrical Qonstruction and electric currents and such temporary permit shall expire- 'w1Sen such building is completed. SECTION 9-- (a) A21 poles shall be erected cmd ria.4.ntained in a perpendicular position za-id sh.-LU be straight and free from bark and placed iwiediatelY within the curbing where the sidwralks are e#,,b.t feet or upwards in width, and shall be placed' in the curbing or on a line with its outer surface where t.,,ie sidevr4- 1cs, are lose than eig4,-,,t feet in width. When Vie curbLig is not laid, the outer line of same shall be takon and poles set 3 inches within such outer lines. (b) jZacb line of poles shall be run on one side of the street., alley or avem-io only except when absolutel.,r necessary to change to the other side ITat V--is r Ix, done, only by pezznizssion ot' the City Inspector. Cross-ernis sh,-.11 be of imifonn length, Strengthened by bracesj, and no -wires shall be less than twenty feet f ron the curb in heisht, except trolley or service wires. (c) It shall be =lawful for any person., firm or corporation to place or allmr to be placed -any advertisint: cards or posters or other light material on any of their poles within the City limits., and any per- son, firm or corporation allowing same to be done shall be pailty of an offense puni'shable wider this ordinance. (d) 'WUnever it shall become necessary for any electric light or power company to carry its wires across the line of arty fire alam,, telegraph# telephone, or other electric light or prnmr company.* such wires shall be at a distance from the other wires not less than three feet. No wires shall be allowed over the fire alarin and police tele- graph ,wires,$ unless special pertnission is given by the Electrical. In- spector. (e) No -Ares of telegraph,, telephone., electric railways., electric light or power companies slall be allm,,ed under shods., galleries or aunings without first being inspected and fowid safe and approved in i,miting by t"I'le, Elcetrical Inspector, (f) It s1w1l be unlaid'ul for my mrson., firm or corporation to carry or place any =T_Lre or wires to be used as an antenna for or in connection with a radio., or any such contrivencej above any wires used to carry electrical energy for light.. heat or power. SECTION 10. If wW person, firm or corporation s!W_U fail or refuse to remedy any defectF, found by the Flectrical Inspector in any work of electrical construction, repo.!_rs., installation -maintenance or notion picture work withinseventy-two, hours after notice in writing to do soj, the Electrical Inspector shall not issue any Pirther permit to such person, firms, or irn corporation until such defects are remedied; or if it be s1mm that said person$ firm or corporation is itu'stunt to do such work, then the bond of s:).ch parson, farm or corporetion s1w.11 b© subject to forfeiture by the City. Council. Sr"Ir' t�t 1,1�- (a ) Azq and all c yi s# motors, wires or other machinery apparatus or material used for electrical purposes, which may at any tim become so defective as to be likely in tho opinion of thi:;Electrical Inspector to cause fixt . car accidentep or to and.=7,er personas or laropertV shall be conden, ed. bV hiss and when In his opinion it is deemed necessary$ in order to pra wat such accident or daffier, he shall dis- connect such wires or apparatus from services, and uixan such corzc�sum�tian the person or persons owning or using the saw shall lm diate y cauaae the same to be put in see condi.ti.on,, in ease =w peon or YA,,rsona oar, or using any eloctri wiresp mss, motors, or other electrical apparatus or material of any nature whatsoever ideLc h have been Condom by the F.octr i e4a lwpectort ashaalll, fail-'*to have the swae plut in safe corn Ution axed accepted by the said Electrical Spector within forty-eight (48) Furs after the sam have been condezmed# or within such otkaer reasormUe time as shall be prescribed by t1r, Electrical Ihanector, tli£3Z2 i.'t'i shall be the duty of mid Electrical Inspect tor, to reweave fusee.. but the tires or by other mean compIctely disconnect the ctaa':tdoamd wires$-apparatus,, or rlaterixLl from tlz sources of electric.. energy# (c) 1,41rien any electrical wixvs, mss -wtors or elec'rxical api-4ratus material of smy nature whatsoever home been in any rwnnerdLs- connected and rendered inoperative by the Electrical Inspector, as act forth in the foregoing, provisions, it shall be uraawftl for mW person or penons to in agy nwtno r recormet the same or c"a the same to be recouwcted,# tc�ya�lazW soutqm�cp��,fq e�lgge�ctrical. ener��ray,�or to mouse the{ry3at asya�.�y� part o T electrical sJ aajp �iJnt+�l tdwy have ve i/een yat in safe condition n and a certii'i cate oX acceptance has bean i a uc-d by the Electrical T r ter. SECTION 12«-- Any person, except Lira Ueetrical. Spector, or his assistant or aneista:ts actiue under bis directi.on.# who shall,* without first obtaining p=tlt th refors cut, disturb* alter or c1wrk,,e,, or cause to be cute dam*. turn:;cads altered or cham,*ed in such runner as to rear t1he same inoperative, defe tive# or not in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance€a slW l be subject to the penalties provided for in this ordixt we• =Ml 13. (a,) No so-ca llyd conoe.-1 ed +.ring# for which a pe ,it is issued or raequired, shams be lStthad over or 1n arq manner conewded from sigM. until insixeted and accepved by the Elatrical In,poctor4 (b) All cutlets rawt be loomed, before saute will be Mowed to be conceded from view. All outlets shall be equipped wit h approved metal outlet bosses. Pal cabinets#cut uta, flush m itches., and al,.l other fittings shall be i.ns. .a ll.ed before inspected, eso opt the lighting or other fixtures thowelvos, and a separate permit siaall be required for alterations or changes thereafter, (c) Any person having charge of the, construotion, alteration or repair of any build, or a'q person who covers or conoeaal.s or causes to be covered or concealed any wiring for which aa. permit has been issued ............. . or roquirod before tie sv4d wing bw bem inspected and approved vith out haing officiselll► notified the electrical inspector at least forty.. ei ht (48) bmv Prowqj ],y shau be sut�ject to the panalties provided for in this ordinary, TION 14- The term. "-Fires Li mite,, as referred to in tho sever.l x rovisi.ons of this ordinance relatix ; to electrical work within tz .fire It-felts of the City of Hantevi lle,$ shall be tar o to. an ,end include: the district contained with the inner fire limits or districts as they mxist at the tiro of the installation or performance of m ch electrical. work. S&I'TI 1 15— (a) An electrical wiring for lights, heat and pawers, or other Purposes hereafter to be used or installed within the City of Huntsv i l le$ and as respectively described ed in the following sub-eee tions hereof s, s'ill. In all cases be contained " en=ed in mct,,Alic conduits viss 1. All electric w;.rinF; in buildings sitztated in the fire diztrict or what is 1mcnin an the, fIre lixe itas all brio:,, tile or concrete bui ld- inisy and in an buildin s wdiere five or more circuits are installed,, 2. All electric W_rinF for :inside decorative W_hting and dis- play window€s,# jumvi.ded jo hoirse�rorpth t the Electrical Inspector ray ar=t permission for a period not exceeding ten clays for temporm-y decorative or mow display to be installed with open Arft j after wiaa.ch period such installation, si-al . 1v re otred. 3. An electric wiri*g in build3nres kmotan in the isuildi: trade as °refire Proof", or of "Slot Purning Gcrostraction.." 4. All electric wi r-nZ. in apart:xn,t houses of four or mare aparto. rzents e 5. All electric Wiring in graln elevators., or places used for the storing of grvAn. expross housesp freight houses„ storate and wareho=080 all classes of millax factories,* livei-y stabler,,, garages# hotels$ 1 d erieop churches$ theatres, moving picture eshows, machine: shopes bu ldings used for mamf'acturing purposess plagos of public assemblyj, bjlclings used for storing gasoll ne and other readily in:i:lar m. ble materials and all classes of print:inE press bund n s where mare than one machine is instilled that is run by tlectr,ic power. 6. P11 motor wiring in any 'bUldini inccre the motor is one-elf horsePw.vr or raores the conduit of which shL11 in every ewe care flush with t1he term a. sides of the motor said be equipj;vd with an approved condul.et. 7: IUill. be required on all installations and shah be continousi frM entrance to main line sei.tch# and from =in line switch to distrib ing cabinet. 8* All sum virinC for electric signs. 9. Wad cared cable shall be used in AU underg;roand conduit services, aril all conduits Wised to moisture, and shall be continuous from entrwace to maim line switch. 10. RX wM not be approved for concealed use 1*--tueen flooms on MW bu in .s# and only where ctnclait is possible to install in bai..lciin,7s already constructed, ,,rr 3.1* Plans and specifications for installations ons in all classes of cold storscoep rarr:4,,crating and battery ciarglM equilommt rust be subr= t'+.,d to t*le Mectrical Inspector for ap-proval before installation, is �-tee:. 12 Awry vve;r tip service vires in Ue 11:11-re Lini,ts supplyixig current to ra so-called rmb arA Tubes S'w'am is once dis-mmoted t=i the serer shall not w,,aln 'bra connected until t1r. wiring has the approval of the Electrical, Inspector, SECTION 16. (a) AU services wires sib enter in ri ;id conduit, not artal.l.er that throo-•fourthe inch. IM& service end of this dadAt rsust have an appr+ca ed condule to Contractor la= install, entrance stritch of the standardized Universal on an 30 ampers lighting services,, and switches of strandarized type on 60 and 100 aWeres service cove ranges and large a lighCting loads* (6Q and l40 Aqws sus to hum Zm=h a3.rcuit fuses iwtalled exterxtaa7 lyj on load side of standardized service s-Atch.) lHoutral vire of 2- wire 1103 volt and 3- ire 210-220 volt serv_ceps a, s'-call be groundede (b) Serr'ce wl-res as'All not be arvaler ttmn No* 8 in+clud n vires to meter, (c) On a 20 afire branch circuit and on e i gher side of a 3- wire branch circuit the ra~_mber of outlets shall not exceed twelve (lid') except by permission s sion of Inspector, Sac, 60 7■•h 14 L„ Code. (d) 13ranch circuits. (3.iehti ), shall be protected by fuses a,£ no greater rated capacity Van 3.15 amperes - „ .. - - - -at l25 volts or less 10 arveres - « - - - - -at 126 to 250 volts,* ,�,p },,,, (e) ��3aa,,�.wires si x�##,++•er than �,g^No. 14 shall �u�-s�.ed.,�texcept yr- idtted for f'i%-Vire work for flexible co • t4�11-a N. E. C kNote).- It is s W stcd t1tat white i% be used to idwUly V-* neutrals god direct to the li,!,ht outl.et,r wxl the black wire alb going to the swite besp where switches asset In stalled* (f) All splices and joints in conductors shall be made both mechanically and electrically secure* The joints shall then be soldered unless made with sor for% of approved splicing device. All Joints shall be c mred trith an insulation eqial to that on the conductors. (Rubber and friction tape*) ;eta. 611-5 N.E. Codas. (g) Wires shall be separated from contar«ae t with wallsa, f'loore,, timbers on partitions ons through which they may pass by insulating porcelain tubers# except at outlets whore approved flexible tubing is required. (In old house works switch legs may be drop ed through the walls$ on-- closed in approved flexible tubing,,) (h) IThere not enclosed in approved conduit, raceways or armored cable, and where Hirable to cow in contact; with gaas, water or other rietaallid piping or other conducting matetrial# wire shall be Separated u ncref:rom by so m, continuous and fines faxed non-cond-actory crating a per anent separation. Sec, 611-g N. E, Codes. W r."Iere exposed to a e i'Lanis aal injury, wim?ls shall be suitaW y protected* See. 61i"j N,, E, Code, SFC'i'IM 17— Fees for Inspection of all clectricza worll., sp.plizaacess etcep slashl, be rude and collected upon mad in accordance with t-.e folloving achedule of c':ar:es t (a.) Ifere a new service is reTiired a fee of 11.00 tirM be charged regar<ness of t �e r=dber of outlets. (b) Wiring 1 additional outlet to old service .25 1 to 3 additional outlet to new service .50 4 to 10 additional onal outlets to new service 1100 11 to 15 additional outlets t^ new service 1.50 16 to 24 additional outlets to near service 2.00 25 to 35 additional, outlets to new service 3.00 36 to 50 additional outlets to new service 4.w 51 to 75 additional outlets to now service 5,00 76 to 1003 additional outlets to now serAce 6000 101 to 150 additional outlets to new service 8*00 151 to 204 additional outlets to new, service 10103 For each addi.tional outlet over 200 .05 (c) JLrC Ligi-Its Am and all ot}Ter lights regairing separate circuits each 125 Fixtums and Si,,— 1 to 3 li,01te 25 4 to 10 li is 150 11 to 203 lights 11000 21 is 403 lights 1.50 hl to 75 lights 2.50 75 to 150 W-11ts 3.00 151; to 250 lights 5.030 over 250 lights] each .02 (d) I ors P to l H. 3'.., per Ho Pe .25 From 1 111 P1 to 5 Ii,. P.., per H. r'1 .50 Over 5 Ii. Ply each additional Ho P. 110 (o) Isolatad Plants C'arge according to this schech le and add for each dynamo (f) Ceilin,�z Pans Ceiling °az , each 125 Electrol.i ar Coil°ing fans .50 Rilr (g) ZnTnen 'violations am found on first inspections, a fee of fifty cen is addii'tional will be chaffed for each inspection thereafter. COLLECTIONS. All charges herein provided for st 7. be paid, to and collected by the electrical Inspe ct.or,# and by hire paid into the City Treasurer, SM, TION 18-- (a) The said Electei cal. Inspector shall rWz- a thorough in- spection of all electric vrix"s wW apparatus within tlae City of Hunts- viL-Le at least once in each years and where wires or appar tus are in dangerous or unsafe conditions or are deei-ed to be an interference with tice work of the Fire Departments he shall notify the parson, firm or cor4=W awnings, using, or operatIng then to place them in safe,a secure and non-interfering cond3.tion. Any corporation, co..part iership$ association or individual dual. cox° a; e at there-of fai.l.ing j noc lev-t;n. -.. or 2-atusing within a reasonable Um to make the necessary repairs or changes,, and have the necessary wmrk cctaapleted within s reasonable time after the receipt of said notice,, shall be deemed guilty of violation of this ordinances and every deft' which shall cUpse after the expiration of said reasonable tires until said wi.rE s and apparatus are repai m4s rerkvnd or c lzn ed as required by said Electrical Irwpectors shall be oorwiac.red a separate offense idVdn Vx; intent and meaning of this and nance. (b) Chief of the Me Department or said Electrical Inspectors or a competent raon delegated blv them or either of thorn shal.l have the pmier to at ante cause the rival of all wires, or Vho turning off of all electric c;aru ent -vrleare the circuits interfere with the -t�rk of the Fire Depart=3t during the progress of fire. Tlhn said El.ectrical In- s et. r ys ~e : T P.111thOrized and empowered to cause t14 turnW off of elec- tric c curt ent from an conducztors or apparatus which am deemed by hin to be in an unsafe condition or which have not been installed, in con- formity with the provisions of this orrM anc a and from which the s aid Talectrical Dwpector has aw ed the electric currant to be turned off. (e) Any corporations co-partnerships as sociation or individual or agent Vhcroof desiring to place any lams sleet metal or other material within six inches of any electric wire or wires installed for use in con- nection with electric lights heat or power slu 11.0 Wore rzooeedine with t°ac e=cution of t e works rabtain from the Electrical. Inspector a pormi.t therefor, and in comletion of said work the spAd corporations co- partnerships association or individual or went thereof shall notify said Electrical. Inspector ia;ao shall inspect the =w and cause all idres to be placed in a safe: and secure condition. Frovi.deds hours that nothing in the sec 4 on shall be construat to refer to wires installed in approved iron conduit or amored cable. (d) No corporations co-partnerships association or individual aal car agent the roof shit interfere with the Elarctrical. Inspector or any core patent person or jxirsow lawfully deputized to assist him as herein ba- fore provideds while in the performance oz d uy and each such inter- ference shall b e deemed to constitute a separate offense within the intent and nearing of this ord: nwica o (e) T?ae said Elaectrical. Inspector sY;LU keep a full and cortileto ,record of all work done, pe: tts issued,, exmtU at<ions made- or ot1ar off'iacial work perf'or.;ced as required by this ordinance and shall annnvall:pWaa a full and detailed report thereof to the City Council.. Said record dell, be so arranged as to afford prompt infbrration# concerning the condition and general arx=47err-nt of my electrical equilvent at the time of tiv Electrical. Inspectors last visit, (f) phis ordiazaarace shall, not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of wW corporationp co-partners Ups associations indi.viciu l or went thea"ofs install.ings oporutinC or controlling any electric wiring or apparatus for damages to amine injured tired therebys nor shall the city be held as assuming any liability by roason of the iimpection authorised herein or certificate or permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance*nice. SECTION 1,9--- (a) Wht and poser cor anies shall not attach service until certificate of acceptance ptance 'Iww b-en issued by Zlectrical Inspector, (b) St shall be a violation of this ordinance for any person to place pesarias, nails or oWier pieces of ;: z is or foraiGa substaufts as a substitute for ftse plugs, (c) That the rulse and regulatlons o:' this :xa.tiorx2 Board of Fire UndervAters;, embodied in its"Ziational Electrical Code",, published in 1918, and such subsequent codes# a nc3r nts and trapplerrients of sald National. Board of Fixe Underwriters y hereafter ter adopt,* are herolrr o4op f.o O as the rules a,ate, re lationsa to govern end to be observed and follo-,red in all electrical wiring wA in all construction# installa. ti on, repair# alteration, operation wit maintenance of electrical. -Aring., vork# aj�fraratus and f:LxWre s wmept as o-41ierwi.se specifically 1,=vidad In pets ordinanec., and the sam are hereby made a part of ts�is ordi nonce: as Pallar anct to the same extent as if copie3d herein in PLLU. That any, Printed book entitled Mtati oral. Zloctriaal Code ff containing the re alsat- ionsss of the National. Board of Fire 1haderwriters for electrical wiring and apparatus as reconnended by the National. Fire Protective A zsocia i.on for Vie year 1918„ or for any subsequent year azzd all books containing supple- ments or asaen(bmnt_ of such codes w1:ich purport on their face vo be the rules and requixeienta of the National roars of Fire ndcrwrite govern- ing such matters, sheens be a&si.tted in evidence with t1v same force and effect as the original rules and regulations without further proof and the i_ntexjxret&tion of such code by the ; l ectriecal Inspector sshsall be final and conclusi.vee (d) T . , if of this ordinzam is# or should be held to be invalid for any :reg*can, then that fact shall not Irvalidate the entire ord.;inance# but tae ba z.+ce tber eof a":all, mv— n in full force and ef'f'ect. (a) Any person., fi # corporation or a aoc.iation of persons t .o shall violate wW Wovision of this orda na=—, or =W role' or specification promilgated by the Council in aid of a proper and just application hereof, or to cover dept- sz: of s,pecial constnict on or material to be used or any variation or mocMicatian of any provision hereof in the interest anti aid of a .fair and reasonable application hereof# or who shal..l fail or refuse to comply with any requirements of the Electrical. lrwpec r,, or any direction.* wathor ized to be jade by any pro- vision of this ordinance,, or any rule# regulation or specification wl-deh may be prowalgated from t1w to time by Vie Golf,=: .,, or who shall in any particular violate or ignore any provision in this ordinance or any such rule# regulation or specification or variation or modification of any pro.. vision hereof* shall be deed guilty of a m1zd=e=or and upon convic- tion t1 ereof -t-hall be fi=zzed in a.r r sum of arionx-y frm One ( 1*00) Dollar to OW Hundred Dollars (Z OO X)j provided* howmer$ ,.hat this shall, be cureRxutive of ad in addition to any special Nnalty which °lay be ��rovid for throughout this ordinance. (f) The fact that there is at this tiros no adequate protection for persons insste.11ing electrical fixtitres in buildings within the City of Hun svill qv as there Is no ordinance re;Zulaati.ng the installation of eslectri.cal fixtures and the wiring of houses for electrical purposes,, creation an e meMeen+cy requiring that this ordinance be passed at the fixst reading,, and upon the request of the Council t1ds ordinance m"n-S passed under the emergency clause oZ the CiLy Cheater# and shall become effective .from and of tar its passage,, i''c- above and foregoing ordinance eras can this 3rd y of ,�'O 1927, in open council referred to the CamAttao on 4rdirumce . /a/ Tory Bali ye+r, City of RuntsviLle# Tom At stx Kate B = ion My" 1r. (SEAL) Wa. your Gomattee on Ordinances,, to whom the above wid fora a3ug ordinanco isas been referred, ha-,dz-- duly considered the sane, hersby recommend that waid ordinance lac adopted. J. I". 3' le l Victor !Wndal Ouz � LE Adopted &.: approved in open Council this 3rd day of May, 1927. in wi lWyor City of Huntsville, 'Texas. ATTFST t Kate Barn Ross .L i pJMM