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ORD CC 05/03/49 - Rat-borne disease
Vol. H4 p. 568 0 1IT COUT'ROL OiDl iA:IC n *NI Aa ordinance to provide for the protection of the public health by controlling or preventing the spread of rat•borns diseases and infeotions by the elimination of insanitary conditions associated with suoh diseases, by extermination of rate, and by ratproofint of structures and rnainten a: oe thereof in a ratproofed condition. BE IT OHBAI nD BT C., I Section 1. That for the a ses of thin otdinenoe the to11owino efinitions shall ap.)lys a. The term "business buildings ", either vacant or ocoupled, shall mean any structure, whether public or private, that is adapted for 000upanoy for transaction of business, for rendering of professional service, for amusement, for the display, sale or storage of goods, wares, or merohandise, or for the performance of work or labor, Including hotels, apartment buildin -s, tenement houses, rooming houses, of2ioe buildings, )ublio buildings, stores, theaters, markets, restaurants, grain elevators, abattoirs, warehouses, workshops, fa.otories, aid all outhouses, sheds barns and othe7 structures on promisee* b. The term "ratproofina" as used herein applies to a fors of construction to prevent the ingress of rats into business buiidinrye from the exterior of from one business building or establishment to another. It consists essentially of treatment with material, ipervious to rat gnawing, all ectual or potential open. in;s in exterior walls, ground or other floohs, basements, roof and foundations, that may be reached by rate from the ground by climbing or by burrowing. o. The term "rat harborage" shall mean any condition which provides shelter or protection for rate, thus favoring their multiplications and oontinuod exist - enoe in, under, or outside of ony structure. 1. u c i L o? TZ uITY ar` .0 U S v l js d. The tern "rat era,dioation" mhi11 mean the altainetion or extermination of rats within buildings by any or all of the aooepted measures, suoh as poisoning, fumigation, trap. ,ia ;, or other methods deemed mammary. e. The tern "Health Officer" as used herein means the Superintendent, Commissioner or Director of Health or any duly authorised representatibe. f. The term "owner" shall mean the actual owner, agent, or custodian of the business building, whether individual, partnership, or corporation. The lessee shall be oonstrued as the "owner" for the purposv of this ordinenoe when business buildings agreenonts hold the lessee responsible for maintenance and repairs. g. The term "occupant, as used herein shall mesa the individual, partner• ship, or corporation that uses or 000upies any business building or part of fraction thereof, whether the actual owner or tenant* In the ease of vacant business buildings or vacant portions thereof, the owner, agent, or oustodian shall have the responsibility as occupant. Sootion 2. That t is hereby ordained and required that all business buildings in the City )f N7rr a sha11 be ratpr:.,oted, freed of rate, and main• tained in a ratproof and rat•ir:.le condition to the satisfaction of the Health Officer. a. That for the purpose of obtainino rat•stop ?ale of business buildings, the following regulations are set forth as the T.inium requirements for applying rat•stoppage to business buildings. (1 The ?ub11Q houlth Officer or hie representative shall approve a 1 materials used and the method of installation. (_. } Solid sheet metal, expan< od 14.eta1 and wire oloth c >eoifiod in these regulations shall have a rust- roaisting, protective ooating preferably galvanised. 83 (3). All foundation wall ventilator openings shall be severed for their entire height and width with perforated sheet metal plates of a thickness not less than twentystour (24) gauge, or with expanded sheet metal of a thickness not less than eighteen (18) gauge, width oast iron grills or grates, or with any other material o'' sufficient strength and equal rat - resisting properties, the openings therein shall be small enough to prevent the ingress of rats, and in no instance shall be larger than one -half ( ") inch mesh. (4). All foundations and exterior wall openings ezoluding those used for the purpose of ventilation. light, doors, and windows, ssaoh as those openings around pipes, elootrio ()able., conduits, openings due to deteriorated wall, broken masonry, or concrete. shall be protected against nst the ingress of rats by olosin= such openings with cement mortar, concrete or masonry, or cloeo. fitting sheet metal or suitable sine pipe flanges or other material with equal rat•reeistin properties, which shall be secure- ly faste:ied in place. (5). Doors,0oAll exposed edges of the lower eight (8 ") inches of wooden doors and door jambs. serving as front, rear or side entrances into business buildings, from the ground, basement or cellar floors, and other doors aooeasible to rats, shall be protected against the gnawing of rats by covering said doors and jambs with solid sheet metal of not less than twenty -tour (24) gauge thiokness. The some material shall be used an door sills or thresholds, or such door sills or thresholds may be oonstruct- ed of cement. stone, steel, or oast iron. Doors, door jambs and sills of coal chutes and hatchways that are oonetruoted of wood shall be covered with solid sheet metal of tweatyfour (24) gauge or heavier, or they may be replaced with metal ohutes of twentyfour (24) gauge or heavier in• stalled in such meoner as Will prevent the ingress of rats. All build - inos with side and rear door entranees shall be provided with fly screens and hardware cloth doors. these entrances shall be provided with suit- able automatic sell'- olosing devioes. (a). All doors ou which motel ohan nel Clashing has been applied shall be properly hinged to provide for free swingin;. v °,ben closed, doors shall fit ssau3;ly so that the zmaxium olearanoe between any door, door jambs. and sill shall not be greater than three- eights (W %8 ") of an Jumbo (1). Windows. -•Ai1 windows and other openings for the purpose of light or ventilation shall be covered for their entire height and width, in.' eluding frare, with wire cloth of nineteen (19) gauge or heavier, having a mesh of not larger than one -half (j") inch, in installed metal trees of twentytou• (24) gage and anchored in plaoe with proper anchorage. (a)• All window and other openings-for the pur Fos© of light or ventilation that may be aaoessible to rats by way of exposed pipes, wires, oonduito and other ap,.urtenanoes, shall be covered as specified above. Or in lieu of wire cloth covering, said pipes, wires, conduits and other appurtenanoes shall be blocked from rat usage by installing sheet metal guards of twenty +four (24) gauge or heavier. (b). Suoh gturd" when used on vertical pipes, wires, conduits or other appurternenees shall be fitted snugly around the pipe, wire, conduit or other appurtenants. (7). Light walls with windows in exterior malls that are located below the outside ground level shall be protected from the ingress of rats by one of the following method's (s). Installing over light wells oast iron of steel grills or steel gratings, or other material of equal strength and rat- resist- ing properties, with openings in grills or gratings not to exosed ons half (i') inch in largest dimension. (b). Installing securely to and completely oovering existin: metal grills that are broken or have openings larger than oa.•half.(') inoh in largest dimensions or otherwise detective, with expnnned metal of eighteen (18) gauge or heavier, having openings not greater than onehalf ( ") inoh in largest dimension. (o). At the option of the owner the opening in the wall of the buildizjg below the grate may be entirely olosed with brick or 84 concrete or partially closed and the remainin open ,space oo'vered with nineteen (12 gauge or heavier ere cloth with mesh not to exceed oneehslf ( ") inch. (8). Business buildings constructed on piers havir ; wooden floor sills less than twelve (12 ") inches above the surface of the around shall hays intervening space between floor sill and ground proteoted against the ingress of rata by installing a solid masonry or oonorete not less than four (4 ") inches thiok around the entire perimeter of the business building and extendiaag said curtain wall to a depth of not less than eighteen (18 ") inches deep with a twelve (31') in eh wwwirelt extending outward frog: tee wall and tasten.1n securely to the exterior well of the business building, in such manner as will prevent rats from entering the building. (a). In lieu of the inata°letion of curtain walla, all ground floors of wood construction n;ay be replaced with oonorete of not less than there (8") inches in thickness. Exterior wall protection Shall be securely tied into the concrete floor at all points. (b)• Business buildings oonstruoted on piers having wooden floor sills greater than twelve (WO inches above the ground level shall have the intsrvenine ewes between floor sill and ground protected against the ingress of rats by installing curtain malls in accord- ance with the preceding paragraph, or by protecting said businneso buildings against the ingresc, of rats by installing solid sheet metal 'leverage of twenty -four (24) gags or heavier snugly around each nips, cable, wire, oonduit or other utility service passing through wooden grouu4 floor. Said metal cavera;e shall not be less than eight (8") inches in diameter larger than diametee of pipe, oablo, wire, conduit or other utility service, and shall be secure*, ly fastened to the wooden floor. All other openings in wooden ground floors through which rata may gain entry ee into double galls or the interior of business buildings, such as openings that may exist in floors and double walls above floor sills, shall be cloned with twentyfour (24) gauge or heavier solid sheet metal of sixteen (16) gauge or heavier wire cloth of oneehalf (}") into mesh or masonry or with concrete. Wood frame constructed business buildings having eonorets or masonry foundation walls shall have ventilators in foundation walls protected as herein provided in Section 2,a,(4). All miscellaneous wall openings, doors and windows shall be protected in accordance with this ordinance. he Curb or farmers, markets in which fruit or tegstables or any other products are exposed and of Bred for sale, on ranks, stands, platforms, and in or outside of business buildings, shall have floors paved with concrete or asphalt for the entire surtsoe area of the market. Display racks, stands or platforms on which fruit or vegetableR or any other food products are displayed or offered for sale shall be of sufficient hetht that all such fruit*, vegetables or other food pro• duets shall be kept at a distanoe of nit less than eighteen (18 ") inohee above the floor pavement and be so censtrected that rats cannot harbor therein or thereun:Aer. Section 3. That upon receipt of written notice ta/'or order from the Health Off heir the owner of any business building specified therein shall take immediate nasures for ratptooiing the building, and that unless said work and improvements have been cone pleted by the owner in the time specified in the written notice, in no event to be lass than fifteen (18) days, or within the time to which a erftten exteedian may have been granted by the Health Officer, then the owner stall be deemed guilty of an offense under the provisions of this ordinance. Section 4, That whenever the Hcalth Officer notifies the occupant or esoupauts, of s 'business building in writing that there is evidence of rat infestation of the building, said 000upant or occupants shall immediately inetititte rat 'radioae tion measures and shall continuously maintain such measures in a ,:canner eatide factory to the Health Ottioor. Unless said measures are undertaken within five (5) days after reoeipt of notice, it shall be oonetrued as a violation of the previsions of this ordir+an a and occupant a all be held responsible the3 yr' Section 5. That the owners of all ratproofod busineee builiie s are required to maintain th,:; prei iess in a ratproof condition and to repair all breaks or leaks that nay ©o ur in the ratpreroting without a epeoiffo order of the Beelth Officer. Section 6. That from and rafter passage of this ordinance the-Health Officer is 85 empowered to make unannounced inspections of the interior and extereor of business buildings to determine full oeraaplience with t his ordinance, and the Health Offioer shall make periodic inspections at intervals of not more than forty. five (45) days of all ratproofed buildings to determine ovidenoe of rat infestation and the exist- snce of new breaks or leakd in their ratproofing and when any evidence is found indioeting the presenoe of rats orpenin ;s throu ;h which rats may again enter business buildings, the Smith Officer shall serve the owners or occupants with notice and/or orders to abate the conditions found, aeotioa T. That whenever eond.itione inside or under oo upted business buildings provide extensive harborage for rats (in the opinion of the Health Officer) said Health Officer is empowered, after due notification in accordance with Section S., to oloeo such business buildings until such time as the conditions are abated by ratproofino and b.rbore °e removal inoludin+ , if neaes/wory, the installation of suitable ooxaorete floors in swear :ante or replacement of wooden first or ground floors with concrete or other wajor repairs necessary to faoilitate rat eradication. Section 8. That whomever oonditions inside or under unoaoupied business buildings provide eztensivs harbors a for rats (in tho opinion of the Health Officer) said Fioalth Officer is empowered to require o rcplianoe with the provisions of Section 3. above, and, in the event thet said conditions aro not eorreeted in a period of sixty days, or within the time to which a written extension may have been granted by the Health Officer, the Health Officer is empowered to institute condemnation and destruation proceedizs. Notion 9. That is shall be unlawful under the provisions of this ordinance for the oocupany, corner, oontreaotor, }ublio utility company, fiber or any other person to roi ovo and fail to restore in li ko condition the ratproofing from any business b' i1diug for any purpose. Further, it shall be unlawful for any person or agent to make any new onenin.8 that are not closed or sealed against the entrance of rats. Seotion 10. It shall be unin o°ful for any person, firm or corporatism hereafter to construot, repair or remodel ruby building, dwelling, stable or market, or other struoture whatsoever, unless such oonstruotion, repair, remiodelino or installation shall render the building or Mier structure retproof in eo oreanoe with the regulations prescribed ho rein ens hereunder. The provisions of this Section apply only to such oonr+truotion, repairs, remodelling or installation as affect the ratproof conditions s of any building or other structure. Scotian 11. It shell be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation hereafter to occupy any new or existing business buildings wherein foodstuffs are to be stored, kept, handled, solo held or offered for ails without complying with Section 10. of this ordinarwes and unless provisions of th s 9eotion are implied with, no city permit or license to oonduot or carry on such business as defined above will be issued. -r- Seotioa 12• That all food and feed within the City of i'�v N s v / L Ltofor feeding ohiokene, cows, pigs, horses, and other animals shall be etorre in rat•free and ratproof oonteineers, oa npartaente, or roerme unless stormed in as rcrtprroof building. Section 13, That within the corporate limits of the City of / S Y aoall Barba oe or refuse oonsistinE; of mote animal or vegetable ratter upon w oh rata may feed, and all small dead animals, shall be placed and stored until collected in covered metal containers of a type prescribed by the Health Officer. It is further deolared unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to dump or plow on any premise, land or waterway, any dead animals, or any waste vegetible or animal matter of any kind. Section 14. That it shall be unlawful for i ny person to place, leave, dump, or permit to ao uoulate any garbage, rubbish, or trash in any building or on any jrernise, improved or ?want, or on any open lot or alley in the City of N LL so that sans shall or nay afford food or harborage for rats, except r direotion of the Aealth officer. Section lb. That it shall be unlawful for any pereoa to permit to aoc,urulate on apy premiss, improved or vacant, or on any open lot or alley in the City of id o w► b v e L. L e y lumber, bases, barrels, bottles, gsni, containers or ter ial that aay be permitted to remain thersen unless saves shall be 86 plaited on open rafts that aro elevated not less than sigh oc (l8 ") inches above the ground, and evenly piled or st^ o'::od. Sootion 16, Penalty,t Any person, fir. er corporation who shall violate any provision or 'provisions of this c rdinax a shall be doomed guilty of a miedeme� and upo conviction shall be punished by a tit's a sot we than a-2) dollars 41 t , 0-0 ) or -issprisinusns or- both. 466 day r s violation shall constitute s sspsrats offense. 3e4t1on 17. &r.J. a All srdinsnoss or parts of ordiaruaass in aonfiiot herewith are re ar repsa is t s a utent of sersb oonfliet .a3yr. amnion 18. savinsw C uae s If any section, subsection, sezIsn e, clause or phrase of this or nsnss s for any reason held to be smaseastilmnismol, void. or invalid, the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance shall not be affected thereby. Section 10. This ordin+s shall tabs etfeot matter being oao of urge and xarssssit y and Order Dates APPi#Ds diate ly upele its passage, the public welfare requiring; it. 87