ORD CC 04/02/1962 - Interstate 45 LightingSTAT$ OF TAB 1 COglr?x of fund 1 This agreement Bade by and between the State of Texas, hereinafter ref party of the first part, and the City of Huntsville p 196T s the State,* Welker 9 County, Texas, noting by and tbresgb its dimly authorised officers under an ordinance passed the 4L day of , 196i, herein. after called the *City, panty of City has the State to contributs financial aid in the co maintenance and operation of a safety lighting system within the amts of the I9terellete Hilt 45 interebinse with State High- mx.12, hereinafter ttsr referred to as the *safety lighting system," and WHEREAS, the State Highway Engineer, acting for and in behalf of the State gigtip Commissimm, has made it known to the City that the State will construct said safety lighting system, conditioned that the City, as provided for in gigbnq Commission Ninets order So. !6)01, will aaintain sad operate said safety lighting system, Air in consideration of the premises and of the mutual COMM snante aammd agrs s of the panties hereto to be by then reepectiveZy kept and perfmood as hereinafter est forth, it is agreed as follow The State will prepare or provide for the plans and fi+saeti ens, advertise for bids„ and let the sonsirastion eoatraat, or cntherw sr p for the oonst r'+etion, and will "worries the eaesbrraetion, rsconstra+stie or betterment work as required* said plans. As the project is developed . to the construction stage, either as a await or in increments, the State will submit plans of the proposed wqk. to the City and rill secure this City's consent to eonstruet the fasility aeesrdi ng to shah plans prior to guarding a eontreat. All ousts of constrtaeeting the safes lighting spite inc lading such terms so soadaits, lamp standards oast sras, reflectors units, lamps, bawls, electrical oondnstore, rNrt rg, ate., will be bare by the State. It is understood that the Stateoer financial participation in eonstrne.. will not extend to and iasliade the oen struetion of any primary lines incidental equipment necessary to connect the safety lighting ',stem power stations, The City harrdap at itee ee ftrraris r required for proper operation of energy to be provided at points ea the by bbo state. rho City further OSSsoo to lighting system in an efflaiemb and sightly eradi' furnishing of all equips and labor and making any may bosoms nom ea ', without asst to the State. ee eleetrie energy such electric as designated e safety the which The City will assume maintenance and operation on a date to eorrset- peed with the date construction of the safety lighting system is campl aged and aoetsptaed by the State* If the safety lighting system is eonsttraeted by sestiene, this provision shall apply to sash sub ssperrately constructed ssetice4 The City will obtain written apprwral of the ct. es near before wing *WI 'bangs' in the safe lighting system as designed and oonrstrrueted by the State er before the removal of any part of the installs* ties Steam for the purpose of repiaoeents whers identical or aeeentei equivalent eqvipment to that originally installed is waned. Aran $ TIM STATE OF TEXAS Certified as bring executed for and effect of aetirating out Mug ardor*. es- cop or work Pie6ran* and authorised by salons Al ORDIRAWE APPJ VI$0 1Th AONUMENT D1 TBD BETl t TR STATE OF TRIA AND THE CITY OF TEXAS. FOR THE I) ALLATIO*1 CXXSTRHOTION, EXIST! , MEEK, OPERATION OF A SAFETY TIMM SYSTEM 1A. B A BE i? ORI INED BX THE CITY COUNCIL 0? ' CI'1"Y' OF reSITTLIS That the certain aunt State at Rams and the Olip of eadetenee, use located at 'Iflt? Fa. R mini 2, The fast that the asntieaad apseareut are needs4 , insediatis preservation et the palate islfsn requires that this °NUM I atter its passage and it is asrardiod' r' se eidained,