Press Release - 3/6/2019 - HPD warns of another scam Huntsville, TX - Official Websitehttp://www.huntsvilletx.gov/civicalerts.aspx?AID=945 For news and press release archives, click here. Tools RSS Notify Me® View Archived Categories Posted on: March 6, 2019 All Categories HPD warns of another scam A Word From the Wynne Over the past Between the Pages several years City Connection the Huntsville General City News Police Library Department, This Week in as well as law Huntsville enforcement agencies throughout the country, have seen a rise in the reporting of various types of scams costing victims hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. A scam is a theft by deception in which the scammer will in some way divert the victim’s attention or deceive the victim. While doing so the scammer will steal the victim’s money directly or identification information and use that information to steal from the victim at a later time. The police department has been receiving numerous calls over the past several days in which people purporting to be a utility company (Centerpoint, Entergy, etc) are calling persons and advising them they owe money to the company and unless the victim’s credit card information is provided over the phone immediately their utilities will be turned off. Additionally, persons alleging to be deputies with the Walker County Sheriff’s Department are calling people telling them they missed jury duty and a warrant is out for their arrest. Furthermore, if the victim does not provide credit card information over the phone a deputy will be dispatched to arrest them. These calls are scams! Neither companies nor law enforcement will make phone calls demanding credit card information be provided over the phone immediately. If you receive a call like these, or similar calls, do not provide the person calling with any information. Hang up and call the official number for the business or government entity to verify your standing with them. 1 of 623/6/2019, 3:45 PM