Press Release - 2/8/2016 - New issue of Between the Pages! Ian I II �' �fi"�r '�� rh((IIIfV41uVVdV'�!V!JiV�cuar�sousi,ui'u;u�lusui yr@i��(�i„"�6�"Vp' ' W VOLUME 7, ISSUE 2 rJ � m GETVIIEEN THE PAGES z CL D FEBRUARY 2018 ADUlj'i PROGRAMS i outcome also can be relaxing. It is Color Away the hard to mess up, and, even if you do, there is no real consequence. AsWinter Blahs h a result, adult coloring can be a Coloring for Adults is the Li- wonderful lark, rather than an ardu- brary's newest adult program and ous test of your capacities. starts in February. So come to the Board Room at This is the latest stress-busting 10:30 every Tuesday in February, fad. Coloring can be calming and choose your design to color and see here's why, according to clinical psy- for yourself if it helps alleviate stress chologist Scott Bea: and anxiety as research has shown. Coloring draws attention away Keep in Mind.... p from yourself and brings you into the present moment. In this way, it Container gardening, Spanish, Pi- is very much like a meditative exer- later, and Essential Oils are some of cise. the programs available in February' I at Huntsville Public Library. In adds r uuu . �...0 a uI U iiitl i6tlVVUVViuutluuVu V 0.1., Whenour mind is focused on a y tion, the annual Genealogy Winter s i m p I e Lock-In is coming Genealogical up on February y 2 I��. Walker w activity ��� �u�li�i�lll@`�IIIVI�IIIIIIIIII ll(II�fell�I�Il�lil��l(Illli�h�li��l I�IVN(iiill�(II��I IAO and not Society members will be available to disturbed help with your research and plan on ,,,�r✓/��il��ir� � j�j 121913th Street b y serving you a light lunch. Huntsville,TX 77340 thoughts gin„ 0,36-291-5472 and ap- "So come Coln in the fun and praisals, learn a foreign language, explore �Ut� www.myhuntsvilielibrarycom Y o u r your heritage or tone your body C HuntsvilleLib—Twitter b r a i n and then discover which essential oil HuntsvillePublicLiba FB tends to will ease sore muscles. There's rY`— V��du��uiuDWdio6oVodovoVuDu�ooun relax. something for everyone! Mondaythrough Friday 10,a.m.to 7 p.m. The factContact Mary t Adult Ser- that col- vices Coordinator, at (36} 291 - 5 4 7 1 o r v i s i t yid/ Saturday ori ng has Noon to 4 p.m. a pre- for Closed Sunday d i ctab I e more information. ����| � � � ��N � FAMILY � | ����� ��� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� � �� �� �—= ^—~^ ' ^ `— ' ^° ^^ ' ^ " ' `'°' ' ^— ' ' " '^^ " ~" ' " ' FOR FREE �� �� mm �� �� � ����� 11 �� Telling the Fam Children By Richard Lane, The idea that early patterns of in1e|- grandfather would spin. He told us oto- Public Services |eoiuu| curiosity, when fostered by car- ries oyhorses iobetarried arid cattle to Young children appear to have i0ex- i00 oUu|iS' lend themselves to |iye|O0g be tended. He told un stories from the houahb|a curiosity. They learn quickly, pursuits of knowledge and understand- rich history of his frontier family. He explore their environment with on a|- |ng in o reasonable assertion. | will told us a1onea of cattle drives onU most reckless abandon and are otte0- share an anecdote to illustrate my con- stampedes and UoyS and nights of tive' albeit for short periods, to stories tention hardships to be endured. His stones 1n|d them by eki||yu| a1oryta||am Chi|- were rich with imagery and conten1 My pot�r0o| grandfather was �or0 Urenbring 10life their own stories pow- They were humorous and told with an in 1877 OO the plains Of North Texas. ared bySee0i0g|y boundless i0agi0u- underlining 0e�S�Qe O� p�r��v�ru0o� He was o working cowboy in his youth tions. Storytelling, at its bent' is a and rectitudeHis characters were shared no doubt developed the yorn- nharaU activity. Asuggestion, stimulate charming and �o|U sometimes ecoan- m telling oki||S oO0mO0 o0O0g �O �oyo ' children's curinaityby1e||ing1heancowboysp- trir' but always meekingthe right trail. aathayQathareU around the comphra pets of the family's history and listen- Later inlife, mygrand parents lived with One night decades ago, as | stood in |ngto their responses. Be creative and Vo My sister and | vvOu|U often go to the UOOnv@y listen i0gto One of his StO- moka storytelling fun family ritua| their r000 and listen to the y8r0S 0y ries' 0y grandfather io|U 0e' "We're Nn to Pocahontas'. This short state- ment, made |o1e in life by o spinner of yumo and iu|em. has led me to libraries and |nternei sites searching for clues to connect myfamily tothe legend The story goes unproven The evi- dencefor the family tie may be there, but ithas a|uUaU me all these years. | have discovered, however, that my - family has deep ties in Virginia leading bock to first English survivors in the New VVor|U Generations of my family ~ migrated west from Virginia to North Carolina into Tennessee and 0no||y in � 1835 to Texas. My grandfather otor|eo, as outra- geous an they could be, yu|| of color - and imaginotion, set meon a personal journey to discover my family history. Along the way, | have learned othing or two about the American Experience and the Lone Star State. | have my gra nUfo1hertothonkfor that gift. Pueo your gifts on to your children and grandchildren. Tell the family stories so that they may be passed down to fu- turaganaro1ione t Reading made Easy 5, 11A Hm w �rc ��;'�pp�rhNi �l1 °'i,� y//////� 0/0;' , nl uw�ni ^'>aYI�IIYU��'�I IM1'P���Ir dl{i 111!!�� I�� H f �imm�m�o�miu� �) "aNr� � �Wi o� �'ii Grim 9/i�,If �� Since 2014, EPIC Press has been deliv- 1 ering fiction that young adult readers love to read. By moving away from tradition, ���� ,, � these indulgent Young Adult chapter �� books connect with today's YA audience, captivate modem readers, and speak gy are OR Codes, these codes are the directlyto their ambitious culture. These black and white squares seen on many things like, receipts, magazines and re- books are bold,.edgy, emotional, and g p g mature material for all young adults. EP- Gently books. required to access these eBooks. This IC Press books.speak on issues many EPIC Press is using this system called re q young adults are going through and can Scan-to-Read OR Code Labels to grant new system is allows patrons instant possible help them find asolution to their direct access to EPIC Press eBooks,with access to eBooks seamlessly and physi issues. EPIC Press is commit to adven no login necessary. Download yourfa- cally helps market the library's digital ture and relevancy, and also aims to in- vorite OR code reader app to begin. content. spiranew generation of passionateAccess to an eBook is simple, first find a Huntsville Public Library is excited to readers to READMHAT YOU WANT. book, scan the code and instantly you start utilizing this new system with a post JBPI ;E"ress offers,a wave.of new tech- can start reading. The great thing about erthat patrons can use to scan the OR m'rl'ooy fo,r eBook discoverability and ac- this new eBook system that there are no codes to their phones and begin reading es ibility in librariaes, This hew teehnolo- checkout, no passwords, or waiting list in the Young Adult Department. Converters Controller Controller ed for each possible controller/ converters are a product you might console configuration. want. Controller 5o if you are itching to play split- ,� converters are made by a few def- screen multiplayer for a game and ferent third-party do not have enough controllers, companies. consider looking into a controller The different companies put dif- converter to put that old Have you ever wanted to play a ferent features like Bluetooth wire- Playstation controller,you put away game on Playstation 2 and wanted less and wireless USB capabilities to storage many years ago, to good to a use a Playstation 4 controller? which make the price points vary use. Have you ever want to play a on these converters. DrewvNev4ud, Playstation 4 game using an Xbox You can also consider that a LibrarylTSpecialist One controller? different converter would be need- Literacy festival scheduled The National Book Awards at swers were Sam Houston State University is /, the ins ira- . � almost here! This three-day litera- tions for her cy festival brings National book � � � ��, ' � � �� � � poems. The Award Poet also recipients to Huntsville to Detroit and the bonds that tie us �'��� ; � � ��- P r t�r„�� meet and interact with the commu- together. explains pity. This event is very worth- °`> that she was Noelle Stevenson the youngest while a's it acts as an outreach pro- author to win a.National Book shocked to gram to promote literacy and Award at the age of 23,wrote discover American literature. graphic novel Nimona, a story happiness to be the most difficult This year's festival will be held about a shape-shifter who applies emotion to write about. March 16- »�k') � ,� for a job with a super villain. Throughout the festival at Sam 00?PF ,1; 18 The 01,k%a” What starts as humorous fantasy Houston State University, there )Ngoal of the story evolves into a poignant tale will be several events in which you festival isofloyalty and friendship. can meet these talented authors and to bring Ada. Liman's book of poems learn more about their writing. books to !o arwt,�� Stay tuned for more information J fright Dead Things focuses on the people who truth of loss. and event details. might not In a recent interview with the Rachel McPhai4 otherwise have access to them. Children's Librarian The 2016 guest authors will be National Book Foundation, Liman Fiction Finalist Angela Flaurney, explains that she often asked her- Finalist what she was msuuuwwuwwuwwuwwuwwuwwuwwuwwuwwuwwuwwuwwuwwuwwuwwuwwuwwuwwuwwuwwuwwuwwuwuwe a Finalist in Young People's Litera- Check out the exciting ChiI- afraid of. The an- dren's Programs at the tore Noelle Stevenson, and Poetry Huntsville Public library! Finalist Ada Liman. ❑ Mother Goose Lapsits,10:30 Mondays Fiction Finalist Angela Flour- ❑ Storytime,10:45 on Wednesdays AND Fridays ney raises the question of what the ❑ Family Movie Night,3:30,2nd Friday of the Month value of a home is to a family in ❑ Wii Friday,4:0016:00 exalt on Family Movie Night ❑ Lego Club,1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month,3:00 her first novel. The Tumer House ❑ Read with the Dogs,3rd Monday of the month,4:00 paints a multi-generational portrait For more information,please contact Children's Coordinator of the Turner family but also of I {(!�.ifRVVPN Ud4 4A"°VO Rachel McPhail, at 936-291-3910. klm1"IIS'rJW'N!'IGILNpI'AIIrJ'L4!NtlILN!I'AII'rJW'N!'IGILNpI'AIIrJ'L4!NtlILN!I'AII'rJW'N!'IGILNpI'AIIrJ'L1!NGILNpI'AIIrJ'L4!NtlIW!'AII'49W'N!1WI1:N!I'91NrJ'L4!NtlILN!I'AII'rJW'N!'IGILNpI' AIIW'UN�N'IXI